The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

Supreme Court refuses to block abortion “citizens bounty hunters” in Texas

Episode Summary

Tonight on the Last Word: Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent that the new Texas abortion ban creates "citizen bounty hunters." Law Prof. Carol Sanger and Maria Teresa Kumar discuss how women in Texas are now at great risk. And Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe joins Lawrence to discuss why Justice Sotomayor calls the Texas law “flagrantly unconstitutional.” Plus, two Trump Org. officials testify as part of the investigation into Donald Trump's finances. Tim O’Brien tells us what that means. And what would happen if a Trump supporter becomes Governor of California? The Mayor of Sacramento Darrell Steinberg says “it would be terrible for California.”

Episode Notes

Tonight on the Last Word: Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent that the new Texas abortion ban creates "citizen bounty hunters." Law Prof. Carol Sanger and Maria Teresa Kumar discuss how women in Texas are now at great risk. And Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe joins Lawrence to discuss why Justice Sotomayor calls the Texas law “flagrantly unconstitutional.” Plus, two Trump Org. officials testify as part of the investigation into Donald Trump's finances. Tim O’Brien tells us what that means. And what would happen if a Trump supporter becomes Governor of California? The Mayor of Sacramento Darrell Steinberg says “it would be terrible for California.”